
Photos by Dico Bascoro and Isabelle Schmidt.

Program Description

Aryati’s story spans from 1920 to 1990 from her birth to her deathbed. Her life is intertwined with Indonesia’s transformation. Aryati grew up during the Dutch Indies period (circa 1920). During the Japanese occupation and the Indonesian struggle for independence (1942-1945), her love was torn between two men. She explored her sexuality when she began a relationship with a woman who was a communist activist. As she spent her adult life in the 1975s and her last year in the 19990s, she saw Indonesia evolve as a nation.

As the country evolved over time, so did the music. Keroncong began as a colonial product before being embraced by locals as their identity. It was consumed by Europeans (until about 1920), associated with the lower class, attained a prestigious position in society (about 1940), until it became a popular entertainment for all social classes in the country (after about 1970).


Concept, direction, music: Ariel William Orah
Dramaturgy, performance: Umi Maisaroh
Dance, performance: Ardian Hartono
Production, music: Bilawa Ade Respati
Music, sound design: Bintang Manira Manik
Lighting design: Nindya Nareswari
Stage technician: Ghaliz Fikhair Hariz
Video, installation: Rizki Rhesa Utama
Illustration & Graphic: Cindy Putri Rahadjo

Funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds, with the support of PSR, Neuhäute e.V., Uferstudios GmbH, and Haus der Indonesischen Kulturen - Rumah Budaya Indonesia - Berlin.