Documentation of the work in progress in Haus der Indonesischen Kulturen in Berlin (photos by Dico Bascoro) and at the Space Coolhaven in Rotterdam (photos by Pierre Kauter).

Project Description

T_AKUT is a planned new work by Soydivision Ensemble. The name comes from the word “takut” (fear) and “acute”. We take fear as a common human experience, especially in relation to death and war, as a starting point. The idea is to create an insight into a “shared” history during the Japanese occupation of Dutch East Indies in world war 2 from the perspective of Indonesian, Japanese and Dutch.

We intended that the work would begin with research of that period, including through historical and personal archives and interviews. Then the musicians will meet to exchange ideas about musical culture and methods through a series of workshops and rehearsals, and to develop musical styles and elements as working material. The project is supported by the House of Indonesian Cultures in Berlin. The final musical result will be performed and the research discussed.

The project was done in the period of September-October 2021, made possible by the stipend by the Musikfonds. Two public presentations of the work in progress were given. The lecture performance at the Haus der Indonesischen Kulturen in Berlin on September 2021 and as an interactive presentation at the Space Coolhaven in Rotterdam on November 2021.


Soydivision Ensemble during the period: Rizky Resa Utama, Jelmer de Haan, Bilawa Ade Respati, Kyotetsu Horikawa, Ariel Orah. Made possible through the stipend by Musikfonds and supports of Haus der Indonesischen Kulturen in Berlin and the Space Coolhaven in Rotterdam.


Bilawa Ade Respati continues working on the theme apart from the ensemble under the working title Of Longing and Fear.